We do not provide emergency care – but there is help available at the 24-hour Distress Line, operated by Canadian Mental Health Association in Edmonton (780-482-4357) and rural Alberta (1-800-232-7288) and the Distress Centre in Calgary (403-266-4357). If you feel you may be a danger to yourself or others, please call 911 or proceed to your nearest hospital Emergency department.
Insight provides many non-emergency assessments in the following areas:
- GIFTED/INTELLECTUALLY ADVANCED (Intellectually Advanced Assessments)
- NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL (Assessing Brain Injury or Neurological Illness)
- CAREER & JOB APTITUDE (Understanding Career Options)
- DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES (Diagnosis of Developmental Disorders)
- PSYCHO-EDUCATIONAL & MEMORY (Tests related to aspects of Learning & Academia)
- FORENSIC (Experienced Expert Opinion and Risk Related))
- PERSONALITY & BEHAVIOURAL (Comprehensive Testing & Clinical Evaluation)
- CUSTODY/ACCESS & PARENTAL (PN7, PN8 & Related Assessments)