What kinds of therapists do you have at Insight?

At Insight, we have a variety of therapists available to support clients in their mental wellness. We have:

  • Senior psychologists – Registered psychologists with at least 5 years of experience practicing in a clinical setting.
  • Registered psychologists – A psychologist is a person with a minimum of a graduate degree in psychology (although there are several registered psychologists who also have doctorate level degrees), who has completed a minimum of 1600 hours of supervised practice, and in Alberta, has passed the Examination of the Professional Practice of Psychology. Psychologists focus on different therapeutic approaches to mental wellness and do not prescribe medication.
  • Registered provisional psychologists – A therapist who has a completed a minimum Master’s level psychology or related degree and is practicing to become a registered psychologist. They must have completed a practicum placement of 200 to 600 hours of counselling in order to obtain their graduate degree. Once they’ve graduated, they can apply to become a registered provisional psychologist. They must also present a supervision plan to CAP as part of their application requirements.
  • Certified Canadian Counsellors – The Canadian Certified Counsellor certification is a national service that identifies to the public those counsellors who CCPA recognizes as qualified to provide counselling services in Canada. Obtaining the status of Canadian Certified Counsellor (CCC) includes recognition of standards of professional preparation, continuing education, and a formal code of ethics. As a non-statutory self-regulating body, CCPA provides advice and discipline for members on matters of professional conduct. (from www.ccpa-accp.ca)
  • Post practicum therapists – A Master’s level student who has completed their student practicum hours and may still be in the process of obtaining their Master’s degree, or may have graduated but have not yet applied for their provisional status. They are practicing under the supervision of a registered or registered provisional psychologist.
  • Practicum student therapists – A master’s level student who is in the process of completing their graduate degree and are practicing between 200 to 600 counselling hours under the supervision of a registered or registered provisional psychologist