Four Myths about Men’s Mental Health

men's mental health graphic

Did you know that men’s mental health is considered to be a silent crisis in Canada?

17% of Canadian men aged 15 years or older have said they have fair or poor mental health and that only 30% of people using mental health services are men. Many men who are suffering choose not to seek mental health support due to various societal expectations and will suffer in silence. 

Claire Davie, a therapist at Insight Psychological, has a strong focus on working with men. She is mindful and informed on some of the challenges that men face in our society today. She understands that men do not always have access to safe spaces where they can speak about some of these challenges.

In this blog, Claire debunks four common myths about men’s mental health. 

Myth #1: Having and talking about emotions is not what ‘real men’ do.

Fact #1: Everyone has emotions and feelings, including men, and talking about them is helpful, not harmful. Hiding your emotions and feelings can be quite detrimental and can lead to various consequences such as different mental health disorders like anxiety or depression. Talking can help you cope with your emotions in a more healthy and productive way! 

Myth #2: Men don’t experience stress in the workplace. 

Fact #2: Stress can affect anyone in the workplace regardless of gender. Men are susceptible to the demands and pressures of their jobs. Whether it be tight deadlines, unclear role expectations, toxic work environments, or heavy workloads men are also affected and can get stressed out from these factors. 

Myth #3: Men don’t need help, they can just ignore their feelings until they go away. 

Fact #3: Mental health concerns rarely go away on their own and talking to someone can help you to gain strategies and coping skills that you may not have thought of on your own. A therapist will work with you to help find the best strategies and skills that are right for you and the challenges you are facing. 

Myth #4: Asking for help is a sign of weakness and a burden on others.

Fact #4: Asking for help is courageous and there are people who are willing to support you to feel better. At Insight, we have therapists who will help support you on your mental health journey. We strive to be a safe space where everyone can speak freely about the challenges and issues they are facing.


Manulife. (2023, November 1). Men’s mental health: A silent crisis.,mental%20health%20services%20are%20men.

Fusion Workplace Health & Wellbeing. (2023, November 8). Men’s health in the workplace: facts and myths.